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How to Shape with Pen Making Tools

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At this photoshop tutorial we will learn how to create a form of shape using Pen tool. Form that we created this will be the form of a vector, not a bitmap image. The difference between the bitmap vectors can read a tutorial on bitmap image.

To actually create the form of shape, we can use the entire set of shape tools (Rectangle tool, Rounded rectangle tool, to the custom shape tool). However, in this photoshop tutorial we will study is the creation of a shape drawn using the pen with its own tool. I like this.
How to create a form of shape with Pen tool in Photoshop

Step 1
Choose the Pen tool in the Photoshop tool box (illustrated tutorial on the image below my mark with red circle).

tools shape photoshop tutorial 1

And then on the option bar, click the icon Shape layers (see blue circle marked on the image above). On the right, check on the Geometry options (see green circle marks). The right option in the bar there are five more pieces icon (purple circle). On the fifth icon akan this step in my research to-3.

Step 2
Create a new file by choosing File menu> New. This file we will use to make a practice of shape, tailored to the size of the file to your needs.

Then using the Pen tool, Click on the new file. Each click will create an anchor point that will continue to follow the dots that you have to do next, to connect to a starting point.

tutorial photoshop shape tools 2

More information about the use Pen tool you can read the tutorial on Creating the Path Selection. In the tutorial will be how to create a shape up by using Pen tool. Good shape with straight lines and curved.
Also about the use of Direct selection tool, this tool can also be used to reset the current form of the shape is created.

Step 3
In the option bar of Shape Layers, the icon there are five (I mark with a purple circle on the image to step-1). Fifth icon is:

1. Create new shape layer
Used to create a new form of shape.
2. Add to shape area
Be used to increase the area in the shape of the existing shape.

tutorial photoshop shape tools 3
3. Substract from shape area
Used to reduce the area the existing shape.

tutorial photoshop shape tools 4
4. Intersect shape areas
Used to create a shape in the form of two or more of the shape overlapping each other.

tutorial photoshop shape tools 5
5. Exclude overlapping shape areas
Used to create the shape of the area outside the shape of the pile.

tutorial photoshop shape tools 6

Please note that to be able to use the no 2 to 5 above, we should be in vector mask thumbnail, not on its layer thumbnail. This can be selected on the layer palette, in the picture below I mark with a red circle.

tools shape photoshop tutorial 7

On the right side on the option bar, there is a icon to select a Style. This style can be used to style the layer directly in the form of a shape that is made.

tutorial photoshop shape tools 8

Please try to make a study of shape. This tool will be used in the next tutorial photoshop.

Inserting images into text

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Tutorial Photoshop effect any posts with this quite easily. May even have been a lot. This tutorial is deliberately susulkan to publish. Because this technique will be used also in future tutorials.

On this tutorial we will learn how to enter a photo / image into any posts or other objects.

Step 1
Open a file photo / image, or create a new file. The file size can be adjusted to your desire.

photoshop tutorial text effect 1

Goal is to make this step we have a file that is used for typing.

Step 2
In the file (step-1), make any posts with a use type tools. Try to select the type of letter that thick. For example, Arial Black, Impact.

photoshop tutorial text effects 2

Step 3
Open a file photo / image to put in writing. If the file is opened, slide file into a file using any posts with the Move tool. Furthermore, the Move tool, can be read here.

photoshop tutorial text effect 3

Step 4
Make sure the layer sequence of images such as the following:

photoshop tutorial text effect 4

Layer above the image itself, and any posts layer underneath.

If the layer's position is correct, make sure that the active layer is a layer image.

* Press the Ctrl + Alt + G, in Photoshop 7, or
* Select the menu Layer> Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl + G), in Photoshop CS, or
* Select the menu Layer> Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G), in Photoshop CS3.

Photos have been into writing. If necessary, you can add layer styles such as Bevel and Emboss or Drop Shadow.

Here is a picture of this photoshop tutorial that is so.

photoshop tutorial text effects 5

Selamat mencoba.

Registry 3

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Disable right click on desktop & Windows Explorer

If you enable this setting under no can do right click on the Desktop & Windows Explorer. In other words the menu that appears when right-click no more.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \
Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoViewContextMenu
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

To see the changes you need to do a restart.

Disable right click on the Taskbar

If you enable this setting under the menu does not appear to do the right click on the Start Menu, Tab control, and Clock.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \
Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoTrayContextMenu
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

To see the changes you need to do a restart.

Changing the alignment / flattening the text on the Drop Down Menu

(drop down menu = menu you appear when you click the menu File, Edit, Help, etc. in various Windows applications)

By default, the alignment on the drop down menu is left flat. If you like, you can replace a flat right. How:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
Value Name: MenuDropAlignment
Data Type: String Value
Data: (0 = left flat, flat 1 = right)
The last step before harilnya see is to restart.

Registry 2

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Hide menu Start Menu> Settings> Taskbar

If you enable this setting so that there is a menu on the Taskbar Settings on the Start Menu will be lost.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoSetTaskbar
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hide)

Hide menu Start Menu> Settings> Folder Options

Menu Folder Options yang sudah disembunyyikanIf you enable this setting the Folder Options menu in the Start Menu - Settings will be lost.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoFolderOptions
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hide)

Hide menu Start Menu> Settings> Control Panel

If you enable this setting so that there is a menu on the Taskbar Settings on the Start Menu will be lost.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoControlPanel
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hide)

Registry 1

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I hide the menu on the Start Menu

Menu Find pada Start Menu yang sudah disembunyikan
If you enable the following settings, then I found on the Start Menu will be lost.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoFind
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = show, 1 = hide)
Hide the Document menu in Start Menu

Setting pada registry untuk menyembunyikan menu Document
Setting the following will hide the Document menu or folder in the Start Menu.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \
Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoRecentDocsMenu
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = show, 1 = hide)

Hide the Run menu on the Start Menu

Setting the following will hide the Document folder in the Start Menu.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \
Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoRun
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = show, 1 = hide)

Hide the Help menu on the Start Menu [Win 2000]

Setting the following will hide the Document folder in the Start Menu.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \
Policies \ Explorer
Value Name: NoSMHelp
Data Type: DWORD Value
Data: (0 = show, 1 = hide)

Introduce IP Address

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This article I gather from some reference, introducing the IP Address and this may have been many "outstanding" on the internet, but this feels "obliged" to be learned for those who want to deal with and "networking", hopefully this article can be useful.

Internet Protocol is a network protocol layer (network layer in the OSI Reference Model) or internetwork layer protocol (internetwork layer in the DARPA Reference Model) which is used by TCP / IP to perform pengalamatan and routing data packets between hosts on the network computer-based TCP / IP.

IP Address consists of a 32 bit binary along the segment is divided into 4. Each segment consists of 8 bits, which means having a decimal value from 0 - 255. Address range that can be used is from 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000 to 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111. Thus, there are as many as 232 combinations of the address can be used around the world (although in reality there are a number of IP Address that is used for special purposes). Thus, a network TCP / IP address with 32 bit is able to accommodate as many as 232 or more than 4 billion hosts.

To facilitate reading and writing, IP Address is usually represented by a decimal number. So, on the address range can be changed to address address 255255255255. Decimal value of the IP Address is what is known in the day-to-day.

IP Address can be separated into 2 parts, namely the network (bit-bit network / network bits) and the host (bit-bit host / host bit). Network bit role in the identification of a network from another network, while the host bits in the identification of a role in a host network. So, all hosts in a network that connected the same network have the same bit. Some of the bit-bit from the beginning of the IP Address is the network bit / network number, while the rest is for the host. Dividing line between the network and the host is not fixed, depending on the class network. There are 3 main classes that address in TCP / IP, that is, class A, class B and class C. Internet Protocol software determines the type of division of this class with a few test bits of the first IP Address. The determination of this class is done in the following way

* If the first bit of the IP Address is 0, the network address is a class A. Bit 7 and this next bit (8 bits first) is a 24 bit network while the last bit is a bit host. Thus there are only 128 class A network, that is, the number of until, but each network can accommodate more than 16 million (2563) host (xxx is a variable, a value of 0 s / d 255)
* 2 If the first bit of the IP Address is 10, the network address is a class B. This two-bit and 14 bit next (first 16 bit) is a network bit, while 16 bit is the last bit host. Thus, there are more than 16 thousand class B network (64 x 256), ie, from the network - Each class B network is able to accommodate more than 65 thousand hosts (2562)
* If the first 3 bits of the IP Address is 110, the network address is a class C. This three-bit and 21 bit next (first 24 bits) is the network bit and 8 bit is the last bit host. Thus, there are more than 2 million class C network (32 x 256 x 256), ie the number of to Each class C network is able to accommodate only about 256 host

In addition to the above three classes, there are 2 classes, which is intended for the use of specific, ie, class D and class E. If bit 4 is the first in 1110, IP Address is a class D that is used for multicast address, ie, a number of computers that use a joint application (with a distinctive understanding of the network address that refers to a number of computers that use a shared network). One of the multicast address that is currently being developed at this time on the Internet is an application for real-time video conference involving more than two hosts (multipoint), using the multicast Backbone (MBone). Last class is a class E (4 bit is the first in 1111 or the rest of the entire class). Pemakaiannya is reserved for experimental activities.

In addition to the address that is used for a host, there is some type of address that is used for special purposes and should not be used for a host. Address is

Network Address. This address is used to identify a network on the Internet network. Suppose for the host with the class B IP Address Without the subnet, the network address of the host is Address this by making available all the host bits in the last 2 segments to be 0. The aim is to simplify the routing information on the Internet. Routers enough to see the network address (167205) to determine where the package should be sent. Class C for example, the network address to IP address is A good analogy to describe the function of the network address is in the processing of the post office. Penyortir officer of the post office just to see the city address at the destination (no need to read the entire address) to determine the path which must be the letter. Work "routing" letters to be faster. Similarly with the router on the Internet during the top of the routing of data packets.

Broadcast Address. This address is used to send / receive information that should be known by all who have hosted on a network. As known, each packet has a header IP address destination IP Address of the form that will be hosted by dituju package. With this address, only the destination host to process the package, while others will host it. What if a host would like to send a packet to all hosts in the networknya? Efficient if it does not need to create the replication of the number of host the package destination. Bandwidth usage will increase and the work load of the host increases, the contents of the packages is the same. Therefore, created the concept of broadcast address. Enough to send host broadcast address, all hosts in the network will receive the package. Consequently, all hosted on the same network must have the same broadcast address and the address should not be used as an IP Address to a particular host. So, in fact each host has 2 address to receive the package: the first is the IP Addressnya that is unique and is the second broadcast address on the network where the host is located. Broadcast address is making all the host bits in the IP Address to 1. So, for the host with IP address or, broadcast addressnya is 167205255255 (2 segments from the last IP Address 11111111.11111111 are valuable, so the decimal legible 255,255). The type of information that is usually dibroadcast routing information.

Netmask. address is used to make masks / filters in the process of the formation of routing so that we simply pay attention a little bit of a total of only 32 bit IP Address. This means not using the netmask we need to consider all (32 bit) IP address to determine routing, but quite a few pieces of the IP address only do we need to look at to determine where the packet is sent.

Make Magazine Page Layout Envelope Effect

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Of among us may often wonder, what is ngedisain any posts in a magazine or newspaper tabloids writings I can follow the flow picture, quiet as it was also my natural ...

Okay here will let me do, essentially what we all can easily do ...
and never give up before trying ...;-p

What we need?
1. Image for the appearance of the magazine, we will create.
So that should make it easier to use while white image that backgroundnya

Figure Sasuke Uciha

2. Prepare the text / words that will be created as the contents of the page

3. Play music .... Let's Gooooo ....

Time to create ...

- The steps:
1. Open the application CorelDraw select new ...

2. Copy the text and work sheets to CorelDraw and press F8 to activate the Pen tool and create a room used for the text to be moved with the left click and hold mendragnya from the tip of the top left to bottom right so that text can be in accordance with the expected ago paste (ctrl - v ) text into a text that has been made in a spreadsheet CorelDraw.

3. The most enjoyable part is to enter ... ... ... Picture mean
now we enter the picture (File - Import - select image - OK - time ago in the work sheet
"Hold right-click and drag to make room in the picture)
Loh is the text? Relax ... Relax ...
to address them you left click the image and select Order - Back To Layer Of

4. click on the text before / any posts ... After that, hehehe ... time to give effek Envelope (Effects - Envelope)
Select Add new - Apply

... And Back to the text earlier ... View perbedaanya?
Gak Tau? Coba aja utak especial the side of the top left
(Use right click and drag-resistant ago / slide)
Now writings is a dynamic ...

5. Utak - Atik panahnya and Adjust the picture ...
The result:

Wah udah tabloidnya ... so ya. Not yet ...

Decorated living ... just depends on your own creativity ... And so deh ...

Korannya Koran .. Korannya Koran .. Ayo who want free ..

Hopefully helpful,

Thank you



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Tampilan Photoshop / Layout

+ Keterangan :
Main Menu = Sederetan Menu yang dipersiapkan untuk membantu dalam proses pembuatan dan editing gambar
Toolbox = kumpulan tool atau alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mengedit gambar
Kanvas = Tempat kita melukis atau mengedit gambar
Palette Layer = Digunakan untuk mengatur lapisan gambar sehingga dapat dengan mudah mengatur urutan lapisan gambar tanpa pengaruh bagian lapisan yang lain, anda dapat menghapus maupun mengcopy layer sesuai keinginan anda

Shortcut Photoshop
Canvas baru = ctrl + N
Membuka gambar = ctrl + O
Menutup aplikasi = ctrl + W
Undo = ctrl + Z
Undo lebih dari sekali = ctrl + alt + Z
Redo = shift + ctrl + Z
Resize or Transform = ctrl + T
Membatalkan perintah = esc
Deselect = ctrl + D
Inverse = shift + ctrl + I
Photoshop help = F1
Memunculkan penggaris / Rulers = ctrl + R
Memperbesar tampilan / Zoom in = ctrl + [+]
Memperkecil tampilan / Zoom out = ctrl + [-]
Menampilkan seukuran dengan layar / Fit to screen = ctrl + 0
Cetak / Print = ctrl + P

Jenis Format File

(*.JPG , *.JPEG , *.JPE)
adalah format gambar standart dengan ukuran file yang lebih kecil dari Bitmap (*.bmp)
(*.BMP , *.RLE , *.DIB)
adalah file gambar dengan resolusi lebih jernih namun dengan ukuran jauh lebih besar dari JPEG dan sudah mendukung 32 bits colours
adalah file gambar untuk desain animasi maupun gambar bergerak dan hanya memiliki kemampuan warna 256 colours


Tips and tricks Learning Corel Draw

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+ Description:
Main Menu = Menu series which are prepared to assist in the process of creating and editing images
= Toolbox tool or set of tools used to edit images
Spreadsheet = Place our painting or image editing
Color Options = Used as a shortcut to the selection color
Display Settings = Used to set the zoom in or zoom out so that we can see more images of large-scale and detail
Properties Bar = Used to set what they want in the box after selecting a tool, or in other words is the properties / settings from the tool box

Type of File Format

(*.JPG , *.JPEG , *.JPE)
is a standard image format with a file size that is less than Bitmap (*. bmp)
(*.BMP , *.RLE , *.DIB)
is the image file with a resolution more clear but with much larger size of JPEG, and supports 32 bits colors
is the image file for the design of animation and motion picture capabilities and have only 256 colors colors

Menguasai teknik penggabungan/Shaping

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CorelDRAW merupakan program yang memudahkan kita dalam menggambar, untuk itu kita akan mempelajari dasar dari menggambar yaitu teknik shaping.

Apa yang dimaksud teknik shaping?
Teknik shaping adalah teknik penggabungan untuk menggabungkan 2 bangun atau lebih.

Untuk menggambar arah panah maka kita harus menggambar sebuah kotak dan sebuah segitiga
1. Buka program corelDRAW - Pilih “new”
2. Lalu gambar kotak dan segitiga dengan menggunakan tool gambar kotak di sebelah kiri atau tekan F6

Lalu gambar segitiga dengan menggunakan tool “Basic Shape”
Caranya [klik kiri] basic tool di sebelah kiri,

lalu di sebelah atas ada pilihan properties gambar, klik panah dalam lingkaran dan pilih gambar segitiga,

gambar segitiga tersebut di kanvas lalu [klik kiri] gambar tersebut sehingga gambar muncul tanda berputar, putar gambar
*Hasil Gambar:

satukan kedua gambar seperti gambar di bawah ini dengan menggunakan tool di sebelah kiri bergambar tanda panah yaitu “pick tool”

tekan tombol [shift] lau klik segitiga dan kotak
atau tekan [ctrl] + [A]
Hal ini untuk selected all / memilih semua
3. Setelah melakukan hal tersebut maka akan muncul properties shaping
Tiga proses shaping yang paling sering digunakan:
Weld = untuk menggabungkan dua bangun menjadi satu kesatuan
Trim = untuk memotong bangun yang dikehendaki dengan potongan yang sama dengan bagun pertama yang di pilih
Intersect = membuat bagun baru dari perpotongan kedua bangun atau lebih / irisan bangun
4. Pilih shaping “Trim”
Maka gambar akan menjadi satu kesatuan
Warnai gambar untuk mempercantik tampilan

Arah Panah “dengan teknik shaping - TRIM”

Terima kasih

By Belajar

Membuat Bola Nine Ball

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Pernah bermain billiard atau Bola Sodok? Kali ini kita akan membahas cara untuk membuat object yaitu bola nine ball, caranya ternyata tidak sesulit yang kita bayangkan, berminat? silahkan pelajari tutorial ini…


Siapkan contoh bola billiard –> kalo gak punya? pinjem tetangga…
Kalo gak ada? ya… gak masalah yang terpenting adalah anda mulai berimajinasi tentang bola nine ball… ^,^

oke2x.. cukup sudah intermezonya, sekarang mari kita praktekkan cara-caranya:

1. Buka program corelDRAW - Pilih “new”

2. Alihkan perhatian pada tool box di sebelah kiri Layar
Lalu carilah tool dengan nama Elipse Tool

Lalu mulailah menggambar Lingkaran pada lembar kerja/Kanvas
Tips: Tekan dan tahan tombol [ctrl] agar lingkaran yang dibuat simetris

3. Warnai linkaran yang kamu buat dengan gradien / Fountain Fill Dialog

Rekomendasi Setting seperti ini:


kita namai saja Linkaran Besar

4. Setelah itu, buat lingkaran dengan warna putih di tengah linkaran besar
Seperti ini:

Lalu beri angka 9 [terserah anda tapi disini karena judulnya nine ball ya pakai angka 9]
disini saya memakai Font Style “Forte”



5. Udah jadi? Belum…
Sekarang kita berikan efek mengkilat agar terkesan 3 dimensi
Caranya Buat lingkaran seperti gambar di bawah:

Setelah itu gunakan efek transparansi gambar

jika anda belum mengerti efek transparansi gambar:
Silahkan baca terlebih dahulu tutorial ini:
Menguasai teknik transparansi gambar

dan hasilnya seperti ini:

….??? apa ya yang kurang…
Ya bayangan… sekarang tinggal kita beri bayangan agar terkesan seperti nyata…

Gunakan “Interactive Drop Shadow Tool”

Sama seperti cara menggunakan transparasi gambar
Udah hampir jadi…

Tinggal polesan akhir / Finishing Touch…

Blok semua gambar lalu masuk ke “No Outline”

Dan inilah hasil akhirnya…. Sebuah masterpiece… Nine Ball…
Bola Nine Ball Siap dimainkan….

“Perubahan tidak akan terjadi jika kita tidak berbuat apa-apa”

Semoga Bermanfaat
Terima Kasih


3d paper with CorelDraw

Diposting oleh hamba allah

Not only MS OFFICE Word can create with Wordart own. Corel Draw also. Ayo we make any posts 3 d (3 dimensions) with CorelDraw ...

How easy to take candy from small children ... Wah ... Wah ... I do not practice it merely parables aja ...

First: Create Siapakan Peppermint ... what a boring design that

Okey .. these are the steps:
1. Open CorelDraw - New

2. Reg Type [space]-learn graphical Send to 0123 ... hehehe ... kidding ...
That is tulilskan are in the paper / spreadsheet corel, here I learned to write-graphic

Note: select the font that is bold ... example: Rockwell Extra Bold

3. After the search of his name: Interactive Extrude Tool in the toolbox

4. Back to the text you created ... and click and hold the left mouse arrow to have shifted, as you move here, but I drive down to

5. Well now live aja coloring, see the top right of the monitor ...? have a picture as below, here is click the order 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, kayak gini I can do that ...

Note: 3 and 4 for the picture above is to determine the color .. it's up to you but here I use

yellow and red ... ... Semuannya also so easy to do what we do ...
The result:

3 Dimensions of Learning-Graphics ->

can be developed more ... All depends on your creativity

Hopefully helpful,

Thank you


The speck of make Noda SmudgeBrush

Diposting oleh hamba allah

In this tutorial I try Kali explain to you how to make The speck of a speck, in the ink blot, blood, stains historic, four-vehicle spotted, halah! : D even if the Internet actually provides free font symbol The speck-The speck, such as Rhesus A WC, WC Rhesus B, etc.

Please make your mengawalinya with the new file, and then make a circle (F7), to make a circle just me you ctrl-click and then drag.
For example, here I use a diameter of 831 pixels

after that right click object, select convert to curve, this needs to be done to facilitate the smudge brush later.

then please set your object is a circle in such a way, that looks like The speck of a fall from the top
I make it like this:

then select the smudge brush and the contents enter a fixed value for tilt settings with the value 90

after that you can change the object's shape in such a way with the shape tool

and this is the end result of this tutorial explanation.

You can download files mentahnya in CDR format here

Creating Small Water

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Tutorial that will bring me this time is, make a particle of water with the application CorelDraw, I deliberately use CorelDraw. The reason is a vector, which does not experience distortion although enlarged image several times.


At first we need a rectangle that will be used as the base.
Press F6 on the keyboard to make it directly. Here I make the size 368 x 234 pixels.

Then I use elispe tool by pressing F7 on your keyboard to make the
an ellipse with size 43 x 51 px.

1. Perform duplicate ellipse with ctrl + c mengopynya ago pastenya mem-ctrl + v in the same place.

2. After that, outside the square, make a rectangle (free size). Then, the rectangle has been created in earlier put on the ellipse of the earlier copies.

3. In both cases selected. Make trim (front minus back).
So that the result like this, after fillnya given in white.

4. With the Transparency tool, do Find transparency, to be like this. then do the no 1 of 2 times. this is in use to the dark side of the water particle.

5. Perbesarlah one of the ellipse that before ... then do the trim, as in step 3.

6. Then with the Transparency tool, such as Find transparency do this ...

7. After that, get rid of its outline by selecting the object to be removed outline, and then click the icon like the image below:

8. Then, make a elipse with size 6 x 6 pixels. Give colornya fill color white. After that give shadow effect, by selecting the interactive drop shadow tool, this shadow will be used as the reflection of white light later.

9. Give the drop shadow colornya white, and drop shadow opacitynya 86 percent.

10. Then make a return ellipse with size 43 x 51 pixels. Give fillcolornya white.
11. Then, create a return ellipse with the size 50 x 51 pixels. Ellipse to the two in this place under the previous ellipse.

12. Make trim (front minus back) on the ellipse so that the two be like this. Transparency and give as much as 68 percent.

Yup, the end result will be like this.

Files in this tutorial can be downloaded here.