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Registry Editor has been disabled by administrator

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"Registry Editor has been disabled by the administrator," I'm 90% sure that the user is exposed to this virus is not due ulah administrator.

For membetulkannya Nah, I was very easy:

1. From the command prompt.
2. Type the following command "C: \ reg delete HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ policies \ system / v DisableRegistryTools".
3. Answer "Yes" (be careful you do just a little mistake, taruhannya into your system and can result in fatal).
4. Surely it is already Registry Editor can be opened again.

other ways ..

@ echo off
rem 'By matcodet
rem '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
reg add HKCU \ software \ microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ policies \ system / v disableTaskMgr / reg_dword t / d 00000000 / f

when finished, save as to its origin extentionnya it's up to bat
ex: tes.bat

double click and hold on deh tes.bat a new file created earlier.
if also still ga kbuka, perhaps from friends that others have to help

smoga help

00000000 -> open a task for you in the registry to disable
00000001 -> back task for mendisablekan registry

can also group policy from its ...
I click Start - Run - type "gpedit.msc" (without quotation tnda) .--

window appears POLICY GROUP --
click any posts User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - CTRL + ALT + DEL Optiondi in a folder CTRL + ALT + DEL Option
search any posts click remove task manager 2x created "not configured" aja klo gak ya "disable" I hope

can help;)