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Inserting images into text

Diposting oleh hamba allah Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

Tutorial Photoshop effect any posts with this quite easily. May even have been a lot. This tutorial is deliberately susulkan to publish. Because this technique will be used also in future tutorials.

On this tutorial we will learn how to enter a photo / image into any posts or other objects.

Step 1
Open a file photo / image, or create a new file. The file size can be adjusted to your desire.

photoshop tutorial text effect 1

Goal is to make this step we have a file that is used for typing.

Step 2
In the file (step-1), make any posts with a use type tools. Try to select the type of letter that thick. For example, Arial Black, Impact.

photoshop tutorial text effects 2

Step 3
Open a file photo / image to put in writing. If the file is opened, slide file into a file using any posts with the Move tool. Furthermore, the Move tool, can be read here.

photoshop tutorial text effect 3

Step 4
Make sure the layer sequence of images such as the following:

photoshop tutorial text effect 4

Layer above the image itself, and any posts layer underneath.

If the layer's position is correct, make sure that the active layer is a layer image.

* Press the Ctrl + Alt + G, in Photoshop 7, or
* Select the menu Layer> Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl + G), in Photoshop CS, or
* Select the menu Layer> Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G), in Photoshop CS3.

Photos have been into writing. If necessary, you can add layer styles such as Bevel and Emboss or Drop Shadow.

Here is a picture of this photoshop tutorial that is so.

photoshop tutorial text effects 5

Selamat mencoba.