How to Shape with Pen Making Tools
At this photoshop tutorial we will learn how to create a form of shape using Pen tool. Form that we created this will be the form of a vector, not a bitmap image. The difference between the bitmap vectors can read a tutorial on bitmap image.
To actually create the form of shape, we can use the entire set of shape tools (Rectangle tool, Rounded rectangle tool, to the custom shape tool). However, in this photoshop tutorial we will study is the creation of a shape drawn using the pen with its own tool. I like this.
How to create a form of shape with Pen tool in Photoshop
Step 1
Choose the Pen tool in the Photoshop tool box (illustrated tutorial on the image below my mark with red circle).
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And then on the option bar, click the icon Shape layers (see blue circle marked on the image above). On the right, check on the Geometry options (see green circle marks). The right option in the bar there are five more pieces icon (purple circle). On the fifth icon akan this step in my research to-3.
Step 2
Create a new file by choosing File menu> New. This file we will use to make a practice of shape, tailored to the size of the file to your needs.
Then using the Pen tool, Click on the new file. Each click will create an anchor point that will continue to follow the dots that you have to do next, to connect to a starting point.
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More information about the use Pen tool you can read the tutorial on Creating the Path Selection. In the tutorial will be how to create a shape up by using Pen tool. Good shape with straight lines and curved.
Also about the use of Direct selection tool, this tool can also be used to reset the current form of the shape is created.
Step 3
In the option bar of Shape Layers, the icon there are five (I mark with a purple circle on the image to step-1). Fifth icon is:
1. Create new shape layer
Used to create a new form of shape.
2. Add to shape area
Be used to increase the area in the shape of the existing shape.
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3. Substract from shape area
Used to reduce the area the existing shape.
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4. Intersect shape areas
Used to create a shape in the form of two or more of the shape overlapping each other.
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5. Exclude overlapping shape areas
Used to create the shape of the area outside the shape of the pile.
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Please note that to be able to use the no 2 to 5 above, we should be in vector mask thumbnail, not on its layer thumbnail. This can be selected on the layer palette, in the picture below I mark with a red circle.
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On the right side on the option bar, there is a icon to select a Style. This style can be used to style the layer directly in the form of a shape that is made.
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Please try to make a study of shape. This tool will be used in the next tutorial photoshop.